Senior Physiotherapist Nina Curtis: Why I choose Barefoot
Hello, my name is Nina and I am a Senior Physiotherapist with over 15 years experience in the NHS and the private sector. I have a particular interest in treating foot and ankle issues and am a member of The Association of Foot & Ankle Physiotherapists here in the UK.
I developed an interest in barefoot shoes in my early 20’s and have been wearing minimalist shoes ever since.
What do footprints tell us about our foot health?
I have been doing a lot of walking on the beach at low tide this year and been reflecting on the footprints I leave behind. Whether clad in boots, my reliable Vivobarefoot Trackers, or whenever possible, savouring the sensation of walking barefoot, the varied imprints of my companions and I offer a fascinating glimpse into our foot health.
Function or Fashion?
The conflict between fashion and function in footwear is probably as old as the earliest shoes. In this this blog post Bernie Landels looks at how this manifests itself in the range of summer footwear on offer, aka sandals, flip-flops, slip-ons, slingbacks….
The Sandstone Trail: These Boots were made for Walking
Jade, one of our fantastic team members at HLS, recently took on The Sandstone Trail, with her 8 year-old son Teddy. The perfect opportunity to road test the Freet Mudee walking boots. Here is how they got on....
The Story of PaperKrane: A Journey of Creativity, Passion, and Barefoot Freedom
Over a decade ago in Melbourne, Australia, PaperKrane was born from a deep love of shoes and an unwavering commitment to creating better footwear for little feet. At the heart of this venture was Kate, a Kiwi with a background in design and advertising, who took to the sewing machine to craft soft, high-top footwear that wasn’t just stylish but also supported healthy foot development.
Walking in Peace with the Earth: How Vivobarefoot Forest Tracker Boots Support My Work and Wellbeing
Neurodiversity Coach and Trainer Jonny Dury talks about barefoot footwear, wellbeing, neurodiversity and nature.
"Central to my own self-care and professional practice are principles drawn from ancient health philosophies, such as the idea of “walking in peace with the earth.” This connection to nature is not just a metaphor but a daily practice that grounds me, revitalises my nervous system, and enhances my ability to help others. My Vivobarefoot Forest Tracker boots have become an essential part of that practice."