Focus on Pre-walkers: What Do We Recommend
A pre-walker is designed for little feet before they start confidently walking and we only recommend these in circumstances where they are really needed. Read on to see our favourite pre-walker recommendations and when to use them.
New Brands For Spring Summer 2024
At Happy Little Soles we have been delighted by the expansion of the number of barefoot brands over the past few years. We love to support and encourage new and emerging barefoot brands and ranges from all over the world, helping the barefoot community to grow. Here's a look at what's new at Happy Little Soles.
What do footprints tell us about our foot health?
I have been doing a lot of walking on the beach at low tide this year and been reflecting on the footprints I leave behind. Whether clad in boots, my reliable Vivobarefoot Trackers, or whenever possible, savouring the sensation of walking barefoot, the varied imprints of my companions and I offer a fascinating glimpse into our foot health.
Physical play by fathers lay great foundations
We are delighted to be working with Bernie Landels, an internationally-certified Infant Massage Instructor (IAIM) since 2002, and stocking her new Book, Finding Their Feet. Bernie has kindly agreed to write some guest blog posts for us as well, and her second contribution in the series is a Father's Day special!
Finding Their Feet: Every parent's guide to milestones and movement
We are delighted to be working with Bernie Landels, an internationally-certified Infant Massage Instructor (IAIM) and health practitioner, and stocking her new book, Finding Their Feet. This book is a fantastic guide to the anatomy and development of your baby’s feet, and the important relationship between their feet, body and brain. It is an invaluable guide to any new parent and particularly for those of us fascinated by feet and their role in development.
First Shoes: A Guide to Supporting Your Child’s Foot Development
Before you rush out for those first shoes it is worth taking the time to consider what is going on in those precious feet. In this blog post we look at the science behind little feet, what to look for in shoes for new walkers and recommend our favourite first shoe options.